Introducing MyFy

Start, Finance, and Run your Business

MyFy is a mobile app which helps entrepreneurs to sell online and market their business, receive orders and payments, handle accounting, 'circle-source' capital through group savings, and keep verifiable records, to qualify for a credit score.

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You are your business and our focus is you...

Run your business
from your phone

Start and scale your business unconfined by location.

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Our features

Savings & Financing

This feature is akin to a local village saving arrangement where a group of like minded people pool together money or items and pass them on to one of their members regularly. We also enable entrepreneurs mobilize cheap unsecured capital from their rotational savings group.

Online shop & Ads

Jump onto trendy ecommerce with minimum hustle. We automatically generate a site to sell your products on a short memorable address and submit the orders you receive there to your phone. We further advertise your products on other sites in our network through recommendations.

Records & Stats

Hustle-free book keeping with automated sales /purchase entries and tax calculations. Our app keeps track of all your business transactions helping you access your business data and insights for informed and better business decision making.


The app also keeps track of your online customer contacts, their orders and generates periodic reports to help you bolt through customer relationship management which in turn helps keep those customers coming back to you for more.


Save with your group and borrow

Make your business self sustaining by saving a proportion of your business's proceeds with a group of trusted partners all on one platform


  • 500 customers
  • Unlimited orders
  • Relevant product placements
  • Free sub domain




  • Unlimited members
  • Automated loan payments
  • Join group via link
  • Biometric verification

Your finger's on the button

When your business is inside a square on a phone in your pocket, you can do business from anywhere. Picture this! You are confirming an order from an online customer while picking your kid from school. More time to do what you can't fit in a square.

"Your business is going to fill a large part of your life, and the only way to be truly satisfied is to enjoy it. MyFy sets you an a journey to seamlessly manage and grow your business with a single tool."


Savings groups


Successful Businesses


Orders made

We are growing fast.

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Latest From Blog

Tue, 22 Mar

How rotational saving works

A rural savings and credit system of pure genius.In rural Uganda, women groups formed with mutual trust, are implementing a rolling banking system which allows them to save and borrow within themselves simultaneously.So it is called, the system involves all members contributing a designated amount of money and lending the whole bunch to one individual. The designated amount, x, is a manageable target, which the women can afford to save in a short time span such as a week or a month. However when combined the resultant sum, nx; say 30x, is a large amount which can be an effective loan to the woman receiving it.As in a circle, the next woman gets this loan and so forth, until all women have a managed to save 30x in a period of 30 weeks/months, and managed to get a loan of that equivalency at some point along the circle.Like any board game commercial, let’s describe some rules of gameplay:We marvel at the genius of this system and turn to it to facilitate financing for entrepreneurs.We have baked this feature into our MyFy app. Download the app, create a savings group and invite your colleagues with a click-link and we’ll handle the rest.

Tue, 15 Mar

We did the numbers. You don’t need to rent at the mall to start selling.

Department of Trade and Industry (DTI) estimates mall crowds at 50–80% of pre-pandemic levels.Despite the many articles citing mall foot traffic at pre-pandemic levels in August 2021, this was a shallow picture of the temporary urge of people to go outside after 1.5 years of staying indoors.We heard they worry that things won’t fit. Despite bad PR for online shopping, the customer experience if definitely better. I live in a hot city, with huge ass malls, I recently went to pick out some home supplies, my legs hurt from walking around the mall looking for the stuff (without a search bar it’s the only way) and I lined up to wait for a taxi in the sun with the plastic bag handles digging into my fingers.MyFy leaves control to the individual entrepreneurs, they manage their stock and relate directly with their customers which builds their business skills and transmits the scale of growth to direct success for the business, as opposed to popular e-Commerce models like Amazon, where the entrepreneurs will only supply the product and most likely get out-competed when product demand grows.Get it now

Thu, 03 Feb

MyFy: Unsecured Inventory financing

Traditionally, Inventory financing is credit/loan obtained by businesses to pay for products that aren’t intended for immediate sale. It is often used by smaller privately-owned businesses that don't have access to other options like raising money through the stock market or the bond market or even through a bank loan..Here's how it works;A "muyilibi" ( small business owner/ hustler) notices that he is running low on stock and capital, so they approach a lender who offers them the money at an ungodly interest rate, a case in point, Ugandan money lenders can go up to 45% interest, then, they'll hound you down 😬.The loan is usually backed or collaterlized by the inventory or stock you buy using the loan money.The pros of this are;It Helps small businesses to deal and cope with increasing customer demand,There is no need for credit scores or ratings,New businesses are eligible and can access credit quickly.The only con I see from the business person's perspective is the higher interest rate they get slapped with.Banks 😈 generally stay away from offering this type of financing because they don't want to deal with the hustle of selling your "small time" shoes/ clothes/ sucks of posho to recover their money in case you default.Kati, Unlike Banks and Money lenders, one of Myfy's value proposition is something we call rotational savings and financing, it helps you save with a group of trusted business colleagues (your circle) in a manner similar to that local "kkibina" (village savings group), then at a regular time, you get borderline free circle sourced funds to finance your restocking or business expenses at zero interest.Find out more here.We are taking every step of the way with you. 😉